Till Naturhotel


Company Name
WMP Römer Immobilien GmbH

Legal Form
Limited liability company

Purpose of the company
Acquisition, development, construction, rental and leasing, management as well as trade and sale of real estate and premises of all kinds

VAT Number
ATU 67671147

Commercial register number
FN 391790m

Commercial registered court
Regional Court Feldkirch

Authorised representatives
General manager: Verena Prünster
Manager: Kurt Michelini
Manager: Christof Wirth

Office Location
Steinteilweg 26, 6800 Feldkirch, Vorarlberg, Austria

Contact information
Telephon: +43 664 452 55 17
E-Mail: office@.till.at

Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce

Responsible supervisory authority
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Feldkirch

Design and Implementation

ateliermerz. huber & mock OG
Media Design & Communication
Gaisstrasse 1
6710 Nenzing